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Gold Markets

Warren Buffett’s Confusing Stance On Gold

You would think that billionaires buy gold because it is such a good financial hedge. One world-famous billionaire who has been called “The Oracle Of

What Crude Oil Says About Gold Prices

What does the slump in crude oil so to the price of gold? Generally, the price of a barrel of oil reflects the state of

Turkish financial institutions dip into gold in the wake of the Lira’s demise

When investors put their money in something they are almost always looking for an asset that appreciates more and fast. So if you invested in

Slump In China’s Gold Mining Production: How Did We Get Here?

China’s gold mining industry is the largest in the world. The country overtook South Africa as the largest producer of gold in 2007 and it

Can Gold Reach The $1,500 Mark In 2018?

It’s finally happening, mainstream economic players and investors in the world like Goldman Sachs have gone bullish on gold. They aren’t the only ones. More

Perth Mint Sees Surge in December Gold and Silver Sales

The demand for gold has been particularly high during December. The demand was especially high in rural India thanks to high crop prices. According to

gold mine in australia

Miners In Australia Bracing Themselves For Gold Royalty Hike And Payroll Tax

This Month, the Western Australian Premier, Mark McGowan announced a plan to increase the state levies and royalty payments on gold mines by 1.25% –

India Exploring The Establishment Of A Gold Spot-Exchange

Gold plays and important part in Indian Culture. India does not produce gold itself, but it is the second largest importer of gold in the

June 28, 2017 Gold Markets
islamic gold investments

How the AAOIFI’s Decision on Gold May Change the Game for this Market?

May the gold standard come back through digital channels? It could be. But what is more interesting is that no one imagined it that way.

Investing in Gold

It does not matter what anybody states regardless of whom they may be or what position they roll around in, the future of finance will

February 23, 2017 Gold Markets
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